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Our Lifeline Service

Lifeline set smallHarborough Lifeline offers an emergency alarm service for anyone who feels vulnerable or alone, whatever their age or needs.

A lifeline unit will be set up in your home, with a panic button. Additionally you will be given a pendant which can be worn on a wrist strap or neck cord, allowing you to keep it with you as you move around your home.

When either button is pressed your lifeline unit will call our control centre and you will be immediately connected with one of our team.

"A wonderful service. I wouldn't be without it for the world."

Broughton Astley resident

If the alarm is triggered our call staff will have instant access to the contact details for friends or family and any other information that you have supplied us with. This means we can make sure you get the right help quickly.



"Very reassuring to know there is always someone who can help me if I fall and cannot get to a phone."

Market Harborough resident