Neighbourhood Planning - Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan (superseded)

Record details

Current Neighbourhood Plan Stage Plan Superseded
Adopted Neighbourhood Plan

Thsi Plan has been superseded by a review Plan in 2021



At its meeting of 12 June 2017 the Councils Executive accepted all of the Examiners recommendations and approved the Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to Referendum. View the specified documents below

Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version (14.13MB)

Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement (469KB)

Town and Country Planning Information Statement (296KB)

Map of the Hungarton Referendum Area (3MB)

The date for the Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum was 20 July 2017

Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement

The Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Decision statement of the Local Planning Authority’s satisfaction that the draft Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions specified by statute and complies with the provision made by or under Section 38A and 38B of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004

The Town and Country Planning Statement  sets out general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum

Where to view the Decision Notice and the  Hungarton Referendum Version Neighbourhood Plan

The full decision notice and Neighbourhood Plan may be viewed at:

Harborough District Council

The Symington Building

Adam and Eve Street

Market Harborough

LE16 7AG

 Open - Mon/Tues/Thu/Fri: 8.45am - 5pm. Wed: 9.30am - 5pm


Referendum Results

Referendum result

Following a positive referendum result Harborough District Council is publishing its decision to 'make' the Hungarton Neighbourhood Development Plan part of Harborough District Councils Development Plan in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

The referendum held on 20 July 2017 met the requirements of the Localism Act 2011; it was held in the Neighbourhood Area of Hungarton and posed the question:

'Do you want Harborough District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Hungarton to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood area?'

The count took place on 20 July 2017 and greater than 50% of those who voted were in favour of the Plan being used to help decide planning applications in the plan area. The results of the referendum were:



Total number of votes cast


Number cast in favour of a "YES"


Number cast in favour of a "NO"


The number of Ballot Papers rejected was as follows

(a) Want of Official Mark


(b) Voting more times than the voter was entitled to


(c) Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified


(d) Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty


(e) Rejected in part


Total number of Spoilt Votes


Turnout–- Electorate 195 – 48.2%




Submission of Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan

 Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan was been submitted by Hungarton Parish Council to Harborough District Council for examination on 29 October 2016. A consultation in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations took place between 14 December 2016 and 8 February 2017.

In accordance with the regulations, the following documents have been submitted for examination:

Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Submission version (PDF 14MB) (superseded)

Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF 1.1MB)

Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF 22MB)

Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Area map (PDF 129KB)

Read more information and the Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base.

Regulation 16 Consultation

The representations received during the consultation period can be found here


An Independent Examiner, Ms Liz Beth, was  appointed by Harborough District Council with agreement fo the Qualifying Body. The Examination did not require a public hearing. The final Examiners Report was received by the Council on 8th May 2017.

Read the Examiners Report here

Harborough District Council Executive considered Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan on 12 June 2017 and determined to accept all the recommendations made in the Examiners report and for the Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to Referendum

Read Harborough District Councils Basic Conditions and Compliance Statement

Approval of Neighbourhood Area

Approval of Neighbourhood Area

Hungarton Parish Council, as the relevant body, applied for the designation of the Hungarton Neighbourhood Area. The application was published for a 6 week period ending on 17 July 2015 and was approved by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Services on 21 July 2015. View a map identifying the designated Hungarton Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 102KB).

Pre-submission Consultation

The pre-submission consultation for Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan was completed by the community between 20th July 2016 and 7th September 2016

Read about Hungarton Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base