Our policies, plans and strategies - EMP1 Harborough Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment Update (SELAA), 2017

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Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment 2017 update

The Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment (SELAA) 2017 Update forms a key component of the evidence base for the emerging Local Plan, and will inform the delivery of sufficient land to meet employment land requirements within Harborough District over the plan period. The assessment, which is required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)  assesses the various opportunities that exist for the future supply of land for economic development, allowing the Council to choose sites to go forward into the Local Plan to meet objectively assessed needs. This Update replaces the previous Employment Land Availability Assessment undertaken in 2012. The main report sets out the background, methodology and a summary of the outcomes of the assessment. Individual site maps and assessments are set out in the Sites Companion Guide.

Harborough District Council routinely updates the SELAA and therefore continually accepts sites for future assessment. To make new sites known to us please submit full details using the proforma.

The SELAA 2017 has now been superseded by the SHELAA 2021.