Our policies, plans and strategies - Employment land reports

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Documents related to employment land and sites in the district.


Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment 2017 update

The Strategic Employment Land Availability Assessment (SELAA) 2017 Update forms a key component of the evidence base for the emerging Local Plan, and will inform the delivery of sufficient land to meet employment land requirements within Harborough District over the plan period. The assessment, which is required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)  assesses the various opportunities that exist for the future supply of land for economic development, allowing the Council to choose sites to go forward into the Local Plan to meet objectively assessed needs. This Update replaces the previous Employment Land Availability Assessment undertaken in 2012. The main report sets out the background, methodology and a summary of the outcomes of the assessment. Individual site maps and assessments are set out in the Sites Companion Guide.

Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Sector Study - November 2014

View the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Distribution Sector Study - November 2014.

Leicester and Leicestershire HMA Employment Land Study 2013

The Housing, Planning and Infrastructure Group of the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) commissioned Lambert Smith Hampton, PACEC and Warwick BML to update the Leicester and Leicestershire HMA Employment Land Study 2008. The purpose of the study is to provide an up to date evidence base to inform emerging employment land policies in Local Plans.

Employment Land Availability Assessment 2012

The primary role of the Employment Land Availability Assessment is to identify sites with employment potential. It provides a broad brush assessment of each individual site’s potential for employment development and does not determine which sites should be allocated or granted planning permission. The assessments are used as background evidence only. 

Existing Employment Areas Review 2012

The purpose of this review is to assess the main existing employment areas in the district. The aim of the assessment is to provide robust technical evidence on their ongoing fitness for purpose for employment uses, in accordance with policy CS7d), and based on this give guidance on which individual areas are considered to be ‘Key Employment Areas’ (KEA) or ‘General Employment Areas’ and should be retained for B class employment uses, and those which are ‘Low Quality Employment Areas’, which should they come forward, can be considered for release to other non-employment uses. 

Leicester and Leicestershire HMA Employment Land Study 2008

PACEC, Warwick Business Management Limited and Mather Jamie were contracted by the Leicester Shire Economic Partnership in March 2008 to undertake an employment land study for Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area.

Harborough Employment Land Study 2006

This employment land study was commissioned by Harborough District Council in order to inform preparation of the Local Development Framework for the district.