Our policies, plans and strategies - GR5 Open Spaces Strategy 2016 to 2021

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The Open Spaces Strategy 2016 to 2021 is designed to be clear and concise and aims to influence how the council manages and secures the future of open spaces in its ownership, and how we will work in partnership with others to create new open space in the future.

We will, through this strategy:

  • Enhance Open Space - To ensure that the best use is made of existing open space and that new open space is well designed and appropriate to provide opportunities for recreation for all
  • Protect Open Space - To prevent the loss of open space sites and  prevent the loss of access to       open space for recreation
  • Enable Open Space - To ensure that new, good quality open spaces are planned for, delivered in a timely way and meet the current and future health and recreational needs of the community they serve and managed by the most appropriate organisation

The Strategy also sets out:

  • A vision for open space in the future
  • The current and future arrangement for development of open space
  • Policies and Proposals for management and development of open spaces
  • The action plan for achieving the vision and objectives

The Strategy is supported by the 2004 Open Space Assessment which has been updated after consultation to reflect the current situation with regards to open space provision. This open spaces strategy aims to deal with open space typologies, which fits with the document Provision for Open Space Sport and Recreation 2015.

