Discharging planning conditions

Planning permission may be granted subject to planning conditions. These conditions may require further details to be submitted before work can commence. This is known as approval or 'discharge' of conditions.

You will need to complete an 'Approval of details reserved by condition' form and pay the relevant fee. The correct application form can be found here.

Please note the fee is per request, not per condition, therefore you may consider submitting several of your conditions in one go, as long as they are all from the same planning permission.

Next steps

In most cases we should be able to give you a response in approximately 3 weeks. If the matter is complex and we need to consult other people, this may increase to 8-12 weeks.

If the details submitted are not satisfactory, we will inform you within 12 weeks that the conditions cannot be discharged.

If you would like to vary or remove a condition attached to a planning permission decision notice you can submit a removal or variation application with the relevant fee.