Our policies, plans and strategies - EXAM13 - Matter 5 - HDC - BE2 Additional Evidence

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The Council submitted the Harborough Local Plan 2011-2031 to Government for examination in March 2018. The examination hearings were held during October 2018.

Following submissions at the hearings, the Inspector expressed some concern about Policy BE2: Strategic Distribution, in particular managing such a significant matter through a ‘criteria based’ policy. The Inspector asked the Council to decide what it wants to do concerning Policy BE2.

On the 13 November the Council’s Executive resolved to recommend to Council that Policy BE2 of the Harborough Local Plan 2011-31 (submission version September 2017) is modified to allocate land adjoining Magna Park to meet the limit of 700,000 square metres in Policy BE2, subject to additional evidence being available for the Council meeting.

A library of additional BE2 evidence is available below.
