Neighbourhood Planning - Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan Review 2022 (material modifications)

Record details

Current Neighbourhood Plan Stage Neighbourhood Plan 'made'
Adopted Neighbourhood Plan

Read the adopted The Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version which passed referendum on 4 May 2023.

The Plan was 'made' by Harborough District Council on 31 May 2023.


Neighbourhood Plan Review

Submission of Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan Review was  submitted by Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council to Harborough District Council for examination on 8 April 2022.

In accordance with the regulations, the following documents have been submitted for examination:

Read the

For more information and the Neighbourhood Plan evidence base please visit:


Regulation 16 Consultation

The consultation took place between18/05/2022 to 29/06/2022. Representations were received and will be forwarded to the Examiner 

Consultation Responses

Examiner Appointment

Tim Jones (No5 Chambers ) has been appointed as Examiner for the Kibworth Neighboruhood Plan Review. The Examiner confirmed on 3 October 2022 that a hearing would not be required

View the high resolution images requested by the Examiner

Read the response by the Qualifying Body after the Examiners initial clarification questions and unaccompanied visit on 8 Oct 2022

Referendum Results

Read the Declaration of Results Notice



Total number of votes cast


Number cast in favour of a "YES"


Number cast in favour of a "NO"


The number of Ballot Papers rejected was as follows

(a) Want of Official Mark


(b) Voting more times than the voter was entitled to


(c) Writing or mark by which the voter could be indentified


(d) Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty


(e) Rejected in part


Total number of Spoilt Votes


Electorate: 5376   Turnout: 29%



The Kibworths Review Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the Council on 11 April 2022.

After validation checks the Plan was made available for Regulation 16 Consultation from 18 May 2022 to 29 June 2022. 

Read the submission documents for the Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan Review:

The evidence base can be found on the Kibworths Parish Council website


The Council and Qualifying Body are in agreement that the changes require both examination and referendum.

After Regulation 16 Consultation an Independant Examiner was appointed to consider the Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan review. The Examiner is  obliged to consider whether the amendments to the Kibworths Plan are:

  • Minor (non-material) modifications to a neighbourhood plan or order are those which would not materially affect the policies in the plan or permission granted by the order. These may include correcting errors, such as a reference to a supporting document, and would not require examination or a referendum.
  • Material modifications which do not change the nature of the plan or order would require examination but not a referendum. This might, for example, entail the addition of a design code that builds on a pre-existing design policy, or the addition of a site or sites which, subject to the decision of the independent examiner, are not so significant or substantial as to change the nature of the plan.
  • Material modifications which do change the nature of the plan or order would require examination and a referendum. This might, for example, involve allocating significant new sites for development.

Please note that all representations received during the consultation period were forwarded to the appointed Examiner and are publicly available.  

The Examiner  only tests whether the proposed Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions and other relevant legal requirements. The Examiner does not test the soundness of the plan or look at other material considerations but checks that the plan:  

  • Has regard to national policy and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;
  • Contributes to the achievement of sustainable development;
  • Is in general conformity with the Local Plan;
  • Does not breach, and is otherwise compatible with, EU and human rights obligations;
  • Meets prescribed conditions and complies with prescribed matters;
  • Meets the legal requirements;   


Mr Tim Jones was appointed by Harborough District Council with the agreement of the Qualifying Body to undertake the Examination.

The Examination was not considered to require a public hearing and the final report was received from the Examiner on 28 November 2022.

The Examiner concluded in his report ' I recommend that the modified NDP proceed to a referendum, the referendum area being the area of the Draft NDP, namely the parishes of the Kibworth Beauchamp and
Kibworth Harcourt'.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

A screening report was undertaken for the Kibworth Neighbourhood Plan review in May 2021  to assess the requirement for a Strategic Environmental Assessment. The Council considered a full SEA was not required. 

The statutory consultees were consulted in June 2021 and confirmed that a full SEA was not required. The Council issued its determination in May 2022

Approval of Neighbourhood Area

Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council, as the relevant body, applied for the designation of The Kibworths Neighbourhood Area on 7 November 2014. The application was advertised for a 6 week period ending on 1 January 2015 and was approved by the Portfolio Holder for Planning Services on 16 January 2015. View a map identifying the designated Kibworth and Kibworth Beauchamp Neighbourhood Area(PDF, 1.25MB).

Pre-submission Consultation

The pre-submission consultation for The Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan was completed by the community between 10th November 2016 and 5th January 2017.

Read about The Kibworths Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base