Neighbourhood Planning - Fleckney Neighbourhood Plan Review 2022

Record details

Current Neighbourhood Plan Stage Plan under review
Adopted Neighbourhood Plan

Read the adopted (May 2021) Fleckney Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (6.95MB)

View a map of adopted Fleckney NDP Policies 2020 (9.29MB)

Fleckney Parish Coucnil commenced a review of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan in November 2022.

Neighbourhood Plan Review

Fleckney Parish Council commenced their Neighbourhood Plan review in autumn 2022.

Approval of Neighbourhood Area

In November 2022 Harborough District Council (‘The Council’) received an application for an amendment to the designation of the Fleckney Neighbourhood Area from Fleckney Parish Council as the Qualifying Body.

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/873) (“2016 regs”) came into force in October 2016 and amended the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/637)  (“2012 regs”) to speed up and simplify neighbourhood planning.

Regulations 2(2) and 2(4) prescribes two cases where an Local Planning Authority must designate all of the neighbourhood area applied for.  These are:

•             Where a parish council applies for the whole parish to be designated as a neighbourhood area; or

•             Where a parish applies to enlarge an existing designation of a smaller part of the parish to cover the whole of the parish, (this requirement does not apply where some of the parish is already part of a neighbourhood area that extends beyond the parish boundaries).       

Regulation 5A  states that the Local Planning Authority must designate the neighbourhood area if it extends to the entire parish.

Reason For Designation

The new application amends the original boundary to take account of the Fleckney Parish boundary included as part of the boundary review in 2021.

Whilst the Regulations to not specifically allow for a Neighbourhood Area to be withdrawn a new designation can be submitted by the Qualifying Body (Parish Council). If the new Neighbourhood Area is the entire parish as updated then the LPA can designate without the need for a 6 week consultation. (Regulation 5A applies)

Where a parish council applies for the whole of the area of the parish to be designated as a neighbourhood area, the local planning authority must designate the whole of the area applied for. This includes where a parish applies to extend its existing neighbourhood area to its parish boundary. Exceptions to this are where the area applied for:

  • has already been designated as a neighbourhood area which extends beyond the parish boundary; or
  • forms part of another application that has not yet been determined.

Saddington Neighbourhood Forum amended its boundary in 2021 to take account of the boundary review so there is no conflict between the two neighbourhood areas (Saddington and Fleckney). Neither of the exceptions apply as a result of the boundary review and Fleckney Neighbourhood Area is approved for designation by the Portfolio Holder for Planning as the entire parish of Fleckney (as amended).