Our policies, plans and strategies - Leicester & Leicestershire Joint SHELAA Methodology, 2019

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This joint methodology paper provides guidance to the Leicester and Leicestershire Councils undertaking housing and economic development land availability assessments.

Local Planning Authorities within the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area have agreed a joint approach to the preparation of housing and economic land availability assessments through this methodology, and have agreed common working arrangements in line with Duty to Cooperate requirements. This follows the requirements set out in the NPPF and the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) and will include locally specific criterion as part of the methodology.

Relevant parts of the methodology will be used to guide local authorities Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessments and will ensure that each authority’s individual document will follow the same broad methodology and appear in a similar format. The approach set out in the methodology has been the subject of consultation with the development industry and informed by the views of house builders, land agents and land owners. 

Completion of a SHELAA will enable the Local Planning Authorities to:
  identify sites and broad locations with potential for development;
  assess their development potential;
  assess their suitability for development and the likelihood of development coming forward (the availability and achievability).
