Our policies, plans and strategies - LAN1 Area of Separation Review 2017

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Areas of Separation are defined where the potential risk of merging is at its greatest, whether this is between settlements or between settlements and nearby employment areas. The function of Areas of Separation is to ensure that development does not harmfully reduce the separation in these sensitive areas. Some Areas of Separation have been designated or are coming forward in Neighbourhood Plans.

There are, however, two areas in the District where the risk of coalescence is particularly high due to development pressures and as a result there is local community concern over the potential loss of settlement identity. These are Market Harborough/Great Bowden and Lutterworth/Bitteswell/Magna Park. The emerging Local Plan will identify Areas of Separation in these areas.   

In order to provide robust evidence to support the identification of Areas of Separation in these two locations, the Council commissioned an Area of Separation Review in 2017. The Review sets out a methodology, assessment and findings in relation to defining detailed Area of Separation boundaries and will be used in the formulation of Local Plan policy.

The findings of the 2017 Review supersede the previous Areas of Separation Review 2011 in relation to these two locations.      
