Gartree Prison Appeal Inquiry: Core Documents Section E: Appellant Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry
Section E 'Appellant Proofs of Evidence and Documents Submitted Prior to the Inquiry' of the Core Documents for the planning appeal at Land to the South of HMP Gartree
E1 Planning POE (PDF, 840.28 KB)
E2 Needs Case POE (PDF, 360.86 KB)
E2 Needs Case Annex A (PDF, 229.21 KB)
E3 - L&V Summary PoE (PDF, 826.08 KB)
E3 - L&V POE (PDF, 15.47 MB)
E4 - EC Economics POE (PDF, 675.82 KB)
E5 - Transport POE (PDF, 2.23 MB)
E6 - Transport Rebuttal (PDF, 448.08 KB)
E7 - Needs Case Rebuttal (PDF, 187.44 KB)
E8 - EC Economics Rebuttal (PDF, 534.74 KB)
E9 - LV Rebuttal Note (PDF, 4.66 MB)