Grants for businesses

External funding for businesses

Available external funding opportunities and grants for businesses:


The Council has subscribed to a user-friendly, accurate and professional funding tool which has helped businesses to facilitate the securing of thousands of pounds’ worth of support. Complete the form and the council will complete a search for you and inform you of any suitable grants. 


Invest to Grow

The University of Derby's Invest to Grow programme provides grants and loans of between £15,000 and £250,000 to support private-sector businesses across the East Midlands to innovate, grow and create jobs.


Innovate UK

Innovate UK aims to accelerate growth by stimulating and supporting business-led innovation. Grant funding competitions are open which can help you develop an idea and make it successful.


The Sir Thomas White Loan Charity - Business Loan

Eligible candidates under 45 may borrow up to £20,000 interest free for 9 years to establish themselves in their chosen career/business.


The Harry James Riddleston Charity - Business Loan

The Harry James Riddleston Charity offers loans of up to £10,000 interest free for between 5 and 10 years to start or expand their own business, or for vocational advancement. To be eligible for consideration you must be over 18 and under 45 years of age.


Midlands Engine Investment Fund (MEIF)

The Midlands Engine Investment Fund aims to transform the finance landscape for smaller businesses in the Midlands and to realise the region’s potential to achieve economic growth through enterprise.


UKRI Challenge Fund

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Challenge Fund addresses the big societal challenges being faced by UK businesses today.


Made Smarter Programme

The programme provides digital transformation road mapping, leadership development, grant funding and access to industrial digital technology expertise to help with implementation until 31st March 2025. For manufacturing businesses.