Conservation Areas in Harborough district - Arnesby Conservation Area

Record details

Title Arnesby Conservation Area
Description (character statements)

Arnesby is a compact village lying just off the A5199 Leicester Road. It consists of a network of streets grouped around two elongated open green spaces along Mill Hill Road and St. Peter’s Road. The character of the village embraces the variety of buildings along the street network, the network of roads and the relationship of buildings to the open spaces. Although many of the buildings are in red brick dating from the 17th Century with slate or Swithland slate roofs, there are some retaining the timber frame vernacular and thatch. The variety of building comes from continual on-site renewal as well as infill. There are a number of good 18th Century brick buildings including cottages as well as Arnesby House, which faces St. Peter’s Road Green, and the Manor House facing Mill Hill Road Green. The latter exemplifies on-site rebuild with the earlier building still attached as subsidiary.

A significant feature, seen both from the A5199 road to the east and from within the village, is the Baptist Church dating from 1790 set back from its courtyard facing the wide green verges of the northern part of St. Peter’s Road. The large brick Baptist Church with its Swithland slate roof and associated Manse and buildings are a very important group in the village, both from the front and from the rear.

The 12th Century Church of St. Peter lies at the edge of the village adjacent to the site of the former Manor House, now a Scheduled Ancient Monument. This site and adjacent field are included in the Conservation Area because of their association with the evolution of the village settlement. Also included are the 19th Century Westfields House and its grounds. The line of trees along its drive makes a formal visual boundary between the village and surrounding open countryside to the west. The windmill and surrounding plot are also included as the windmill is linked for its former economic activity with the village.

Map of Conservation Area