Conservation Areas in Harborough district - Carlton Curlieu Conservation Area

Record details

Title Carlton Curlieu Conservation Area
Description (character statements)

Carlton Curlieu is a small village set in open countryside to the north and east of Kibworth. Apart from the Church, most of the buildings are good 19th century red brick buildings, including two substantial farm houses and farmyards. The wet moat of an early site, perhaps of the original Manor House, and of Carlton Curlieu Hall, a fine Grade II* Listed Building (much remodelled since first erected in the early 17th century), and the field to the front of it containing the remains of a major avenue are included in the Conservation Area.

The Conservation Area has a traditional agricultural character and exemplifies a strong relationship between village, church and Hall, typical of many 19th century landscapes. The Conservation Area and the surrounding agricultural land are characterised by the many trees which contribute to the agricultural setting of the village.

The large meadow opposite the Hall is included as it contains the remnants of an avenue leading directly to the Hall, and from across it are views of the Church of St. Mary. The church itself is not readily visible from the village road as it is set back in its tree-shaded churchyard.

The many trees within the gardens of the Conservation Area are in contrast to the open unfenced pasture land to the west of the village. The entrance from this area is abrupt and is flanked by a pair of agricultural cottages either side.

Map of Conservation Area