Our policies, plans and strategies - HSG8 Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA)

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The Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) has looked at a wealth of evidence, including population, household and economic growth projections, to assess the need for housing and employment land over the next 20 years. The report says there is a need for 117,900 homes in Leicester and Leicestershire between 2011 and 2036 to meet the demands of a growing population.  This equates to 4,716 homes per year.

It also identifies a need for up to 215 hectares of land for office development, 165 hectares for manufacturing, and 117 hectares of land for warehouse and distribution floor space. As the study period starts in 2011, some of the development will already have taken place or land will have been identified by the local authorities involved.

The study is an important part of the evidence base for Local Plans and the Strategic Growth Plan being prepared jointly by the City, County, Borough and District Councils and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP).  

A Statement of Co-operation is also being agreed to ensure that the development needs it identifies will be accommodated by the authorities working together.  

The HEDNA supersedes earlier housing need evidence provided by the Harborough Housing Requirements Study 2013 and the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2014.
