Our policies, plans and strategies - PPL1 Settlement Profiles (May 2015)

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As part of the evidence for the new Local Plan, settlement profiles for the district’s towns and larger villages have been prepared. The aim of this profiling work is to bring together existing information and evidence relating to each settlement in order to understand how it functions, its key characteristics, its level of services and facilities along with any specific local issues and priorities the community may have. Parish councils were given the opportunity to comment on the draft profiles early in 2015 and their comments have been incorporated where appropriate. The profiles will help the district council to understand each settlement’s sustainability and any issues facing the local community. 

The profiles seek to summarise currently available evidence which, along with other evidence, will be used in determining the appropriate amount of development to be directed to the settlement to 2031. The profiles do not seek to set out future policy as this will be done through the new Local Plan. 

It is important to note that the profile only provides a snapshot of the evidence available for the settlement at a point in time. Every effort will be made to incorporate new evidence as it becomes available.
