Our Armed Forces Community

Armed Forces Champion

Rani MahalCouncillor Jo Asher is the current Armed Forces Champion for Harborough District Council. You can contact Councillor Asher by emailing armedforceschampion@harborough.gov.uk and including as much detail as possible. 

Councillor Asher will be a first point of contact for any serving or ex-service, or other charity or community groups with service connections who may need council support.  She will be involved in any decision making process for any bids for funds that may be submitted. 

We are committed to providing all the help we can to our forces, and their families. The role will strengthen the bonds between communities, raise awareness and provide practical support. It will help signpost people to information and support on housing, health and wellbeing, education and training, accessing council services, and assistance for a smoother transition into civilian life and the wider community.