Landlords’ Forum – register for free event
Published Thursday 13 February 2020Calling all landlords, letting agents and those with an interest in housing!
A not-to-be-missed event is being held to provide an update on new legislation and other key housing issues.
Special guest speakers will be presenting on a number of topics providing invaluable advice and support.
The free event, being held by the Council in partnership with Blaby District Council and Hinckley and Bosworth Council, is taking place over two sessions on Tuesday 25 February 2020 at the Wycliffe Rooms, George Street, Lutterworth.
The afternoon session runs from 1pm – 4pm and the evening session runs from 6pm – 9pm.
Speakers will provide informative updates on:
- Recent and upcoming legislation for landlords
- ‘Call B4 You Serve’ – a service offering assistance to landlords on rent arrears, mediation, communications issues, and leasing properties
- Recent changes to HMOs
- Proposed changes to the eviction process
- Energy efficiency requirements and compliance with the Homes Act
- Universal Credit information for private landlords
- Circumstances when payments can be made directly to landlords and how to make an application for direct payment
A buffet will be provided.
There are still a few spaces left for the sessions so please register your interest by telephone on 01858 821019 or e-mail
- More articles in the news archive