Council tax set to be frozen for households in the Harborough district for a year

Published Monday 20 February 2023

Harborough District Council is supporting residents in the cost-of-living crisis by keeping its portion of council tax the same for 2023/24.

Calculator and some coins
Harborough District Council has set out its budget proposals for 2025-26

Cabinet have made recommendations to full council on the 2023/24 Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy (2024/25 to 2027/28), with a significant proposal to freeze council tax, thereby maintaining a band D property at the same level as 2022/23 (£177.97).

For subsequent years the council is proposing a notional increase of 2.99% per annum.

Due to service budget reviews that have generated net savings of £975k for 2023/24 (£4.5million over the Medium-Term Financial Strategy period), a good settlement from the government and additional business rates income from Magna Park near Lutterworth, the council is forecasting a surplus revenue budget for the first two years of the MTFS (£6.7m), allowing it to freeze council tax, set aside funds to meet future years deficits and deliver corporate priorities.  

The council is ‘committed to financial sustainability and resilience’ to enable community investment.

Cllr James Hallam, Harborough District Council’s Cabinet lead for finance, said: “Like all councils we continue to face significant financial challenges, however, we will always provide high quality services to residents and businesses. It’s great news that we can freeze council tax for residents. This is only a small amount of relief to the taxpayer but every little helps. The surplus budget for this year and next will allow us to deliver elements of our Corporate Plan such as community development, climate change support and economic regeneration.”

The council tax bill contributes to public services and includes precepts from Leicestershire County Council, police and crime commissioner, Harborough District Council, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue and parish councils.

The council has recently consulted the public on its budget which also includes proposals for environmental grants and coronation grants. To read the budget in full visit:

On 27 February the budget will be considered for approval at a meeting of full council.