Duty to Cooperate - media statement from Cllr Phil Knowles, Leader of Harborough District Council
Published Wednesday 7 June 2023Media statement
I welcome the letter from Mr O’ Brien and I look forward to exploring opportunities to work together to deliver the best for residents. The letter raised a number of points for which I am seeking clarification as they are important in the overall consideration.
In the letter Mr O’ Brien indicates that 'there are several brownfield sites around Leicester that would be perfect for development, but these have not been properly considered.' If he will tell me where these sites are then I will arrange for the necessary challenges to be made to the city and seek evidence of their consideration process.
The letter also shares detail that whilst Mr O’ Brien was a Minister at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities he 'took through legislation last year which abolished the long standing ''Duty to Cooperate.'' As such there is no longer need to take on this additional housing.' I would very much appreciate the date when this Duty to Cooperate was abolished as that is very important.
I would also appreciate details of what if anything is replacing the Duty to Cooperate and how it will impact on Local Plan considerations, submissions and approval/acceptance in the future? If the Duty to Cooperate no longer exists then that cannot be used to reject a new Local Plan.
There is also some clarification needed on the proposed housing numbers (based on the 2022 local housing need and Statement of Common Ground). The figures I have show North West Leicester with 686, Blaby District with 687 and Hinkley and Bosworth on 659. All having a higher housing requirement than Harborough District. Not a reason to automatically support more building without infrastructure but we just need to be sure we are all looking at the same base figures for discussions.
Infrastructure is vital, yet here in Leicestershire we live in a county that is one of the worst funded in the country. More homes yet not enough funds to invest in much needed infrastructure. Lack of money for schools, roads and major infrastructure. All of which impacts on the quality of life of our communities. I wonder, what guarantees there are from the government that this won't get worse with more threats of reduced 106 contributions?
Cllr Phil Knowles
Leader - Harborough District Council
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