Treasured community assets given listing protection

Published Monday 20 May 2024

More Assets of Community Value (ACV) have been designated by the council.

Assets of Community Value (ACV), also known as The Community Right to Bid, allows communities and parish councils to nominate buildings or land for listing protection as an asset of community value.

An asset can be listed if, in the opinion of the council, its principal use furthers their community's social well-being or social interests and is likely to do so in the future.

Most recently, Chequers Inn at Swinford, The White Hart South Kilworth, Fox and Goose Illston on the Hill, The Cherry Tree at Catthorpe and Thorpe Field in Church Langton have been successfully granted ACV listing from Harborough District Council.

If a listed asset goes up for sale, communities can ‘stop the clock’ for up to six months, giving the opportunity to get together and raise the finances to bid to buy it.

Cllr Simon Galton, Deputy Leader of Harborough District Council and Cabinet lead for Planning, said: “Communities everywhere have places they consider to be important for a variety of reasons including social, cultural, sporting or recreational interests. I am pleased therefore, that we have been able to list these valuable assets helping to safeguard their future.”

Since 2012 Harborough District Council has designated a number of assets as ACVs that meet the criteria including fields, school buildings, allotments, sports fields, village halls, shops and post offices.

For more information and to nominate asset of community value visit