Leader’s meetings with parishes continue with successful visit to Broughton Astley

Published Friday 16 August 2024

The leader of the district council took the opportunity to discuss local issues and opportunities for closer working when he visited Broughton Astley this week.

Leader of Harborough District Council, Cllr Phil Knowles, and Chief Executive John Richardson, met with members of Broughton Astley Parish Council to discuss a range of issues. 
Subjects that were discussed included the emerging new Local Plan and the recently announced Community Grants Fund, in which Broughton Astley Parish Council has an allocation of £70k. There were also discussions about the council’s new community development team and opportunities to work together more closely for the benefit of residents of Broughton Astley. 
Cllr Phil Knowles, Leader of Harborough District Council, said: “It was really valuable to talk with and listen to members of Broughton Astley Parish Council and I look forward to working more closely together in the future. 
“It’s crucial that the council and parish and town councils work closely together. It’s incredibly helpful to hear the concerns and ideas of parishes, with the aim of supporting them and their local communities where possible within the council’s remit and resources.” 
The visit is part of a series of meetings with individual Parish Councils and Parish Meetings in the district.