Work begins on creation of new friendship park in Market Harborough

Published Tuesday 8 October 2024

Residents and visitors to Market Harborough will soon be able to enjoy a new safe outdoor space.

Volunteers and cllrs stood in front of a digger on Northampton Road Friendship Park
Cllr Peter Elliott, Cllr Darren Woodiwiss and Cllr Peter James with volunteers at the Northampton Road Friendship Park

Work has started to create a friendship park on Northampton Road which will be inclusive and inspire people to sit and talk.

The council-owned site is being transformed to include benches, fruit trees and shrubs, wildflowers and a sculpture.

Railings will be installed around the area and some hard landscaping will create walkways.

Once complete, signage will be erected displaying the name ‘Northampton Road Friendship Park’ and encouraging people to engage in conversation.

For this project, the council has worked with a group of residents who overlook the park. Their contribution will also be to help the council with bulb planting and assist with ongoing maintenance in this community space.

Cllr Peter Elliott, Chairman of Harborough District Council, said: “I am pleased work has started on this park which will revive the space and be something special. We hope this previously neglected site will now be well-used.”

Friendship parks are community spaces designed for people to gather safely, surrounded by nature, and aim to foster connections between those who use them.