Nearly 1,500 new homes, plus new amenities, for Market Harborough approved
Published Tuesday 3 March 2015Plans to build nearly 1,500 new homes on the edge of Market Harborough have been approved.
Around 225 people attended the Harborough District Council planning committee meeting on Monday 2 March 2015.
Councillors on the planning committee listened to around 40 speakers - including councillors - make representations on the applications.
The meeting, held at Harborough Market, was considering three planning applications relating to the Strategic Development Area (SDA) which is land allocated for major new housing development.
These applications were:
11/00112/OUT – Airfield Farm, Lubenham (924 dwellings)
This application will provide on site:
- A primary school
- Local centre with retail and community uses
- Marina for 28 moorings
- Children play areas
- Country Park
- Sport pitches
- Allotments
- Affordable housing
- Low-cost starter homes
- Employment & training opportunities
12/00044/FUL – Lubenham Hill, Market Harborough (119 dwellings)
This application will provide on site:
- Open Space & Children Play Areas
- Three discount market homes
- Financial contributions to various infrastructure including secondary education, libraries, civic amenities, police, cycleway improvements, off-site affordable housing contribution
13/01483/OUT – Manor Farm, Lubenham (450 dwellings)
This application will provide on site:
- Local centre (eg. newsagents, hair dressers, takeaway, convenience shop, also space for community uses)
- Outdoor sports pitches and children's play space,
- Affordable housing
- Low-cost starter homes
- Financial contributions to various infrastructure, as above, but including allotment contribution
All three planning applications were approved by councillors at the meeting.
Cllr Phil King portfolio holder for planning and development, said: “The public have been heavily involved in shaping this site, via the Core Strategy and Masterplan consultations, and this is the result of a number of years of work. This new housing will bring exciting new amenities to the area, plus wider economic and business benefits for the district. Also, with more than 900 people currently registered with us for housing, the planned 200 affordable homes, and additional low-cost housing, will go some way to helping many people find a property so they can remain in the district.”
Cllr King added: “There are still ways people can help shape this site and we will look to work with developers to explore ways people can have a say on things like design of houses, play areas, landscaping, road naming and more.”
View committee report from the meeting and list of speakers
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