Have your say on strategic growth plan

Published Friday 5 August 2016

People can help shape a long-term plan to advise where future employment and housing developments take place in Leicester and Leicestershire.

The city, county and district councils and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership will be drawing up a strategic growth plan, outlining the amount and location of future growth in the area up to 2036 and broad aspirations for growth up to 2050.

People can comment on the first stage, known as the draft strategic growth statement, between now and 16 September, on the website www.llstrategicgrowthplan.org.uk

Leicestershire County Councillor Trevor Pendleton, chair of the advisory group that is overseeing the plan, said: “By working more closely together to plan for future growth across Leicester and Leicestershire, we should be able to secure more funding to deliver infrastructure and have a greater say in how and when growth is delivered.

“I’d encourage you to have your say on our initial growth statement, before our draft plan is produced and consulted on in summer 2017.”

The proposed plan would help to decide:

  • How expected population and economic growth is accommodated and supported
  • What type of development is needed and when
  • The most appropriate locations for developments
  • Which environmental assets should be protected and enhanced
  • What investment is required in services and infrastructure, where and when

For more information and to view the strategic growth statement and survey questions, please visit www.llstrategicgrowthplan.org.uk

You can see a printed copy at your local library from Friday 12 August.