Warwick Road homes update

Published Wednesday 31 August 2016

Warwick Road, Kibworth Beauchamp - update

Harborough District Council’s Planning Committee refused an outline planning application (15/01153/OUT) for 110 dwellings at Land to South East of Warwick Road, Kibworth Beauchamp on 15 December 2015 for two reasons: 1) lack of primary school education places at Kibworth Church of England Primary School and 2) a failure to demonstrate that the  site would be in a location where services are readily accessible by sustainable modes of transport (eg. walk, cycle, public transport).

Subsequently an appeal was lodged to the Planning Inspectorate (15.06.16) (REF: APP/F2415/W/16/3152485)

Since the application was refused the appellant has undertaken further work in response to the reasons for refusal. This additional information has been considered by both Council Officers and Counsel.

In light of this new information it is unlikely the Council could successfully defend the appeal

Officers are therefore recommending to Planning Committee (6 September 2016) that the Council does not contest the appeal and acknowledge that planning permission should now be granted subject to the obligations and conditions set out within the report.

Read the full 6 September 2016 planning committee report here