Community Safety News & Campaigns

Report Meter Tampering: A Hidden Danger to tenants, properties and the community

Since the cost of living crisis, Stay Energy Safe, which the charity Crimestoppers runs, receives around 1,000 reports each month, and it is estimated that energy theft occurs in approximately 1 in 150 homes every year.

Meter tampering poses significant risks to property, tenants and communities.  Stay Energy Safe offers a solution that allows people to anonymously report their concerns.

Tampering with meters can result in explosions, fires, electric shocks, burns, gas leaks and even injury and death, with real-life cases illustrating the consequences here.

Financial challenges can drive individuals to tamper with their meter without considering the impact it has on the neighbours.

You can find out how to recognise signs of energy theft here. It often includes irregular wiring, sparking, burn marks or gas smells.

Stay Energy Safe guarantees anonymity when reporting via their online form or when you call 0800 023 2777.

Reporting helps protect properties and lives. It's vital to stay vigilant and speak up to safeguard communities.

Safer Summer

Our Safer Summer campaign seeks to remind people to have respect and tolerance.  We know that the warmer weather will see increase complaints about loud music and ASB from public open spaces and private gardens, we ask that you are considerate to neighbours when having gatherings and for others to be tolerant to people holding one off events. We ask that people using parks think about those who will be using the parks after them and take rubbish home or put it in the bins provided.

We want you to keep safe whilst enjoying yourselves.  If you are having a BBQ make sure you extinguish it properly. If by open water consider how to enjoy open water swimming safely and avoid cold water shock. We’re here to give advice on how to protect your home and property from thieves.

Finally, if enjoying a night out with friends, we want you to think about how to get home safely and know your alcohol limits.

Our campaign includes radio adverts on HFM & Cross Counties Radio, daily social media posts with additional information signposted to websites.

We want all our residents to have a great, safe and enjoyable summer and will be out and about in the District to answer any questions and provide advice.

Community Safety Partnership Vehicle

We now have a new Community Safety Vehicle funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner. This welfare vehicle will be used in the coming months to increase our engagement with residents across the Districts especially those more rural areas. It provides a warm dry space with a table and chairs for meeting with the community.

Usage will include:

  • teaming up with our local Police officers to run beat surgeries in locations that don’t have a village hall.
  • Attending antisocial behaviour hotspots to increase visibility and be available for residents to speak to us.
  • Raising awareness of seasonal campaigns
  • Use by Community Safety Partners – Police, Fire Service and Turning Point.
  • Joint events with our Health and Wellbeing Team




Speed Campaign and Fatal Four Coming to Market Harborough

We  have now arranged with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue, the first visit to Market Harborough of the “Hazard Express Vehicle”. This is touring all around the county at the moment and is owned by Leicestershire Fire & Rescue. The aim is speed awareness and road safety. Within the Hazard Express Vehicle are fitted seats with virtual reality headsets. Below is a photo of the vehicle, also there on the day will be the new Community Safety Partnership Vehicle, fire engine and crew, and police.




It will visit The Square, Market Harborough on Saturday 9th March.

For further information on this vehicle please go to the following link: