Supporting Evidence
Harborough New Local Plan - Submission documents and evidence library
Proposed Submission documents
- S-NLP1: Harborough Local Plan 2020-2041
- S-NLP2: Duty to Cooperate
- S-NLP3: Policies Maps
- S-NLP4: Harborough Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal
- S-NLP5: Habitats Regulation Assessment
- S-NLP6: Statement of Community Involvement
- S-NLP7: Local Development Scheme (LDS)
- S-NLP 8: Equalites Impact Assessment 2025
Document categories
- Business and employment (EMP-NLP)
- Environment (EN-NLP)
- Green infrastructure and open space (GR-NLP)
- Heritage and community assets (HCF-NLP)
- Housing (HSG-NLP)
- Implementation and monitoring (IMP-NLP)
- Infrastructure (INF-NLP)
- Landscape (LAN-NLP)
- Local Plan preparation (PRE-NLP)
- People and places (PPL-NLP)
- Retailing (RTL-NLP)
- Transport (TRP-NLP)
Business & Employment
- EMP-NLP1: Warehousing and Logistics in Leicester and Leicestershire: Managing growth and change Study (amended March 2022)
- EMP-NLP 2: Harborough Local Housing & Employment Land Evidence
- EMP-NLP 3: Strategic B8 Needs Sensitivity Report
- EN-NLP 1: Issues and Options Sustainability Appraisal
- EN-NLP 2: Habitat Regulations Assessment
- EN-NLP 3: Air Quality Report
- EN-NLP 4: Climate Change and Renewable Energy Study
- EN-NLP 5: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1
- EN-NLP 6: Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2
- EN-NLP 7: Sequential and Exception Test
- ENP-NL 8: Water Cycle Study
- ENP-NL 9: Harborough Renewable Energy Study
Green Infrastructure & Open Spaces
- GR-NLP1: Open Spaces Strategy 2021
- GR-NLP2: Playing Pitch Strategy 2022
- GR-NLP3: Provision for Open Space Sport and Recreation - Delivery Plan 2021
- GR-NLP 4: Green and Blue Infrastructure Study
Heritage and Community Assests
- HFC-NLP 1: Heritage Analysis of Local Plan Sites
- HSG-NLP1: HENA Report June 2022
- HSG-NLP2: Leicester & Leicestershire SHELAA Joint Methodology Paper, 2019
- HSG-NLP 3: SHELAA Site Companion Guide 2024
- HSG-NLP 4: SHELAA Assessment Update 2024
- HSG-NLP 5: Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Assessment
- HSG-NLP 6: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment
- INF-NLP 1: Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- INF-NLP 2: Local Plan Viability Report
- INF-NLP 3: Local Plan Development Strategy
- LAN-NLP 1: Area of Separation Study
- LAN-NLP 2: Green Wedge Assessment
- LAN-NLP 3: Landscape Character Assessment
- LAN-NLP 4: Landscape Sensitivity Assessment
New Local Plan Preparation
- PRE-NLP 1: Equality Impact Assessment 2025
- PRE-NLP 2: Issues and Options Consultation Document (Regulation 18)
- PRE-NLP 3: Site Selection Methodology Feb 2025
- PRE-NLP 4: Health Impact Assessment
People & Places
- PPL-NLP 1: Settlement Hierarch Assessment Jan 2025
- RTL-NLP 1: Retail Study
- TRP-NLP 1: Strategic Transport Assessment
- TRP-NLP 2: South Leicestershire Joint Transport Assessment Stage 1
- TRP-NLP 3: Leicestershire Local Transport Plan